Legal Notice

Identification details

Unless otherwise specified, this website and the content published herein are the property of Petronor. Nevertheless, the website design and graphical appearance are the property of Elhuyar and may not be used without its permission or approval.

  • Petronor Tax Identification no.: A48053243; address: San Martin 5, Muñatones Eraikina, 48550 Muskiz, Bizkaia

  • Elhuyar Fundazioa; Tax Identification no.: G20780896; Registry of Foundations of the Basque Country: nº F134; Register of Bidders and Classified Organisations: nº 02686; address: Zelai Haundi kalea, 3, Osinalde industrialdea, 20170 Usurbil

Personal Data Protection


In compliance with the stipulations of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council), we hereby inform you that the personal data provided will be processed by Elhuyar Fundazioa and Petronor.


The personal data that you provided by comments and proposal forms will be used for contact with you. All the information is concerned in order to solve any issues relating to the service requested or for the purpose of improving it.


The personal data provided will be stored while they are expected to be needed for getting in touch with the person concerned and while this person wishes to continue with his/her account on this website.


The legal grounds for processing your data are the consent of the individual concerned when he/she provides his/her contact details.


To fulfil the intended aims, your data may be passed on to the companies within the Grupo Elhuyar (Eleka Ingeniaritza Linguistikoa, S.L. and Elhuyar Zubize S.L.).

The data may only be communicated outside the European Economic Area in the following cases: to specific countries, territories or sectors on which the Commission has adopted a decision recognising that they offer a sufficient level of protection; when sufficient guarantees have been offered on the protection that the data will receive at their destination and whenever any of the exceptions that allow the data to be transferred without guarantees of suitable protection for reasons of necessity linked to the interests of the owner of the data him-/herself or to general interests is applied.


Anyone is entitled to request access, rectification, deletion, processing restriction, challenge or right to portability of their personal data by writing to us at our address indicated above or by sending an email to, indicating the right they wish to exercise and attaching a copy of their national identification document or any other valid document for the purposes of identifying themselves.

They will likewise be entitled, at any moment, to withdraw the consent given. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the legality of the processing made prior to the withdrawal of the said consent.

They are entitled to file a complaint with the control body if they consider that their rights may have been infringed with respect to personal data protection.

Conditions for using the website

If the user is required to provide his/her details through the website, he/she is responsible for ensuring that the information provided is true and legal. If the user is given a user name and password to make purchases or receive information from Elhuyar, he/she will be required to use them responsibly and keep them secret, so that they can be used appropriately to take advantage of the specialised services.

In general, the user is under obligation to use the content responsibility, to use it correctly and to abide by the terms stipulated by law; among other things, he/she is under obligation not to use the content for commercial purposes, not to modify the content, and not to use it in activities that are incompatible with good faith.

Intellectual and industrial property

The content owned by Petronor comes under a Creative Commons “Attribution – Non-commercial – No-Derivatives (by-nc-nd)” licence.

Attribution: In the exploiting of any work permitted under the licence, it will be necessary to attribute or acknowledge who the original author is.

Non-commercial: The exploitation of the work is restricted to non-commercial use.

Non-derivative Works: Permission to exploit the work does not entail the right of transformation to create a derivative work.