
Petronor Hiztegia petrolio- eta gas-sektoreari dagokion hiztegi espezializatua da. Sektore horretan, etengabe sortzen dira termino berriak, eta, gure eguneroko lanean, argi ikusi dugu haiek jaso eta aztertzeko beharra. Horregatik, Petronorrek Elhuyarreko Hizkuntza eta Teknologia unitateko terminologia-adituen aholkularitzapean, hiztegi hau sortu du. Gure lanean erabiltzen ditugun terminoak lau hizkuntzatan jaso, eta gizartearen esku jarri ditugu.

So, properly managing languages and setting up a language strategy at work is a key aspect for competitiveness, as it allows us to display greater proximity to the client. Bearing this aim in mind, there is no doubt that managing the terminology of our sector and our companies has been a very important step.

At the same time, this dictionary aims to help in the normalization of Basque language and for this, with other languages, we have brought the terminology in Basque of this sector.

This dictionary seeks to gather the multilingual terminology of the oil and gas sector and thus meet the terminology needs of companies, professionals and experts in this field.

We have produced the Petrnor Dictionary to be able to effectively meet the communication needs of oil and gas sector users. The dictionary has started off with 1,500 items used in the sector in 4 languages (English, Basque, Spanish and French). 300 of them has definitions. The items have been classified into the different areas of oil and gas.

In order to improve relations with clients and internal communication in Petronor, we are aiming to build this dictionary. website that includes not only terminology, which will be of tremendous use to us in our daily work.

If you would like to receive further information about the project, please get in touch with us at:, and we will respond as soon as possible.

Aim of the dictionary and general features

Our aim with this dictionary is to offer, in a precise and clear way, reliable, up-to-date basic terminology pertaining to the oil and gas sector.

To produce it, we based ourselves on the documentation we use in Petronor, so it is a dictionary based on in-house terminology. It is a compilation of terms that we use on a day-to-day basis and which seeks to help to clarify any doubts that may arise.

Features of the Petronor Dictionary:

  1. In Petronor Dictionary we wanted to gather the basic concepts of this sector. There are 1,500 concepts spread across the different languages as follows:

    • English: 1,872 terms

    • Spanish: 1,672 terms

    • Basque: 1,674 terms

    • French: 1,784 terms

    • 300 defiinitions

  2. All these terms are divided into the following 21 areas:

    • Production: drilling

    • Fuels

    • Physics

    • Transport technologies and distribution logistics

    • Natural gas

    • Geochemistry / Chemistry

    • Geology

    • Hydrocarbon prospecting

    • Reservoirs

    • Environment

    • Management and administration

    • General

    • General: instillations / dispositives

    • General: procedure / technique

    • Alternatives to oil

    • Refining

    • Oil industry

    • Oil composition

    • Oil classification

    • Products

    • Safety and human resources

  3. We have linked the languages used in the oil and gas sector worldwide (English, Spanish and French) with Basque. That way the dictionary may be consulted in any of these 4 languages

  4. We took into consideration the trends in current dictionaries and applied the technologies developed in Elhuyar’s Language and Technology unit to produce a useful, attractive dictionary.

Lexicographical work

  • Selection of concepts: we have use the documents, procedures, references... of Petronor.

  • Processing the items: Elhuyar’s terminology working group undertook to establish the terminology and the area to which each item belongs. A range of sources were consulted to be able to carry out this work.

  • The whole process was supervised by the Petronor experts.

Working Group


  • Petronor


  • Garbiñe Allkiza

EDITING (Elhuyar):

  • Garbiñe Allkiza

  • Antton Gurrutxaga


  • Elias Unzueta Petronor


  • Ane Goenaga Elhuyar

  • Amaia Astobiza Elhuyar


  • Iker Manterola Elhuyar

  • Mari Susperregi Elhuyar